Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Recent transplant headlines

These are a few of the more interesting items I've come across recently. I will continue to highlight transplant news on a regular basis. Merv.

For living donors, many risks to weigh
Today's New York Times has an excellent article about living donors and the many risks they must weigh when considering becoming a living donor.
Read the article.

Transplant patients must play the waiting game
The Citrus County (Florida) Chronical has an interesting article about the ordeal patients waiting for a transplant go through while waiting for their "gift of life".
Read the article.

Lung transplants in the elderly
WISTV Online (Columbia, SC) features a news item about the changing views on cut-off ages for lung transplants in the United States. Many transplant centers have a cut off age of 60 but studies have shown that older patients recover from their transplants just as well as younger patients. (Here in Ontario patients in their 70's routinely receive lung transplants). Read the story.

Waiting for the greatest gift of all
The Independent, Dublin, Ireland has an extensive article about organ donation and patients waiting for a transplant. There is a good discussion of the controversy in the UK about presumed consent versus informed consent. And on a happy note, they announce that Dublin, Ireland has been awarded the 2010 World Transplant Games. Read the story.

“You Have the Power to Save Lives – Sign Your Donor Card & Tell Your Loved Ones of Your Decision”

Download Donor Cards from Trillium Gift of Life Network

Download Donor Cards from OrganDonor.Gov

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