Thursday, April 06, 2006

Cohabiting is bad for women's health - but not men's

Transplant recipients and their families are constantly reminded of the importance of maintaining ideal body weight to insure optimum health and long-term survival. I like this new approach suggested by the University of Newcastle upon Tyne study. At least from the male perspective, it might be a good idea to move in with somebody (only if you are, like me, presently in a single situation, of course! But then again, women who are weight-concious might read this and be adverse to the idea)

Released 5 April 2006
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K.
Women eat more unhealthy foods and tend to put on weight when they move in with a male partner, according to a new report by the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.

On the other hand, a man's diet tends to become healthier when he starts cohabiting with a female partner - and her influence has a long-term positive impact.

The reason for the change in dietary habits, say experts, is that both partners try to please each other during the 'honeymoon period' at the start of a cohabiting relationship, by adjusting their routine to suit their partner and eating food that he or she likes.

However, women have the strongest long-term influence over the couple's diet and lifestyle, mainly because the majority of female partners still assume the traditional role of food shopper and the full news release.

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